PUFFY STUFF is an all-natural packaging material. Unlike other plant based loosefill, PUFFY STUFF is completely biodegradable by ISO definition (100% consumed by bacteria.) BENEFITS COMPARED TO CORN STARCH AND CONVENTIONAL LOOSEFILL: 100% Biodegradable Zero petrochemicals Unaffected by oil prices Competitive cost Easy disposal Reusable HOW DOES IT BREAK DOWN? Upon direct contact with water, the loosefill degrades to inert proteins which are quickly consumed by soil bacteria. IS IT ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE? Absolutely...as safe as any grain. IS IT HARMFUL TO WILDLIFE OR PETS? No. Although not particularly tasty, PUFFY STUFF is even edible and digests easily. Try it! DOES IT ATTRACT PESTS? No. Processing removes all food value from the grain and, in turn, the attraction of mice and other pests. DOES IT HAVE AN ODOR? PUFFY STUFF has a faint smell similar to popcorn. This, however will not transfer to your shipment. PUFFY STUFF actually absorbs odors! IS IT STATIC FREE? Yes. By retaining a small amount of moisture, it conducts the static charge away resulting in no cling or damage to electrical and other sensitive devices. CAN IT BE REUSED? Absolutely. WHERE IS IT DISPOSED? If not reused, PUFFY STUFF can be put in a landfill or even hosed down in your garden as fertilizer. WILL IT SHRINK AWAY LIKE CORN STARCH FOAM LOOSEFILL? No. PUFFY STUFF is hydrophobic and is not subject to shrinking in humid conditions. HOW DURABLE IS PUFFY STUFF? The product has a high density for rugged durability. It will not shrink to allow product migration and damage during shipping. http://www.puffystufftn.com/about.html