Green Tips & Products

Over the years we have found many ways to live more economically, and ecologically. Here we will share with you what we have learned, and share some of the products we use that make it easier to live more sustainably.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Everyone has heard the term recycling pushed into their faces for a number of years now, and although it is a good idea, not everything can be easily recycled, or there may not be local places to take it. A complementary approach is to be smart about packaging and materials so that there is less waste that needs recycling. Reduce the amount of "waste" you generate, reuse leftover materials for another project, then finally, recycle materials into something else. There is an excellent page on these processes, and more eco-tips, found at Global Stewards. Some are easy for the city dweller to accomplish, some tips are more aimed at us country folk, but there is good advice there for everyone.

That is the goal of this blog, something for everyone!


At November 21, 2006 at 9:53:00 AM EST , Blogger Unknown said...

The idea of precycling along with recycling is the best combination of action for reducing waste.
Avoid buying products that have excessive packaging to throw away.
Buy a hair brush from a bin or box instead of one on a blister pack.
Buy in bulk for food whenever you can.
Buy large sizes of juice and fill your own small conatainers at home before you go out or bring a thermous. All those juice bottles and coffee cups use a lot of resources and cost a lot of money too.
Recycling is good but using fewer resources before hand helps even more and, not only that If the companies who make things in wastefiul packaging see that they're selling less of one thing than another, they will start making more of the things that do sell. If the money is in minimal packaging and large containers, they make more of that kind of thing.


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